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Students of "Amadeus", Luiza and Martin participate in the competitions by Ministry of Education

Luiza and Martin Beqiri are students of the Amadeus music school for 4 years now.

Luiza follows the lessons for piano and singing, while her brother Martin follows the lessons for guitar and singing.

As two talented and hardworking students, they regularly participate in the Amadeus school concerts, as well as concerts and various children's festivals of art and music. In the competitions organized by the Ministry of Education, they were initially selected in municipality formation competitions, to continue participating in state competitions. Their participation was a great satisfaction and wonderful experience of the hard work they do at the music school with their teacher Vita Guhelli.

Luiza and Martin Beqiri are getting ready to participate in the International Children's and Youth Festival "Rising Stars" in September 2019. This is a competing event featuring all Albanian speaking countries and European countries. The special feature of this festival is that it is the first and only of its kind in Albanian lands and that participants are given the opportunity to be invited by various foreign festivals and to promote their talents

Luiza and Martin Beqiri are also excellent students of the elementary school "Naim Frasheri" in Prishtina.

June 23, 2019